
Secrets of Chandrayaan 3's Lunar Quest


Exploring the Secrets of Chandrayaan 3: A Lunar Odyssey


India achieved a historic milestone on 23rd August 2023, with the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3 on the uncharted South Pole of the Moon. This momentous event marked a global celebration, but what followed during the Pragyan rover's mission was equally remarkable, revealing surprising discoveries that have been relatively less discussed. In this article, we delve into the intriguing revelations made during the 12-day observational period, uncovering groundbreaking facts about the lunar surface.

The Lunar Expedition Unfolds

1. The Landing and Mission Kickoff

  • Chandrayaan 3 touched down successfully on 23rd August.
  • Pragyan rover embarked on its mission from Vikram Lander on 24th August.

2. Observations and Sleep Mode

  • Vikram and Pragyan observed the lunar surface for 12 days from 24th August to 4th September.
  • Both modules were then put into sleep mode, awaiting the possibility of reactivation.

3. CHaSTE's Thermophysical Experiment

  • On 27th August, CHaSTE instrument measured the temperature of the moon's topsoil.
  • Surprising findings revealed a significant temperature variation with depth.

4. Navigating Craters and Changing Paths

  • Pragyan rover encountered a large crater on the moon's surface.
  • Scientists adjusted Pragyan's path to avoid potential hazards, capturing intriguing images of its track.

Unveiling Lunar Composition

5. LIBS Confirms Sulphur Presence

  • LIBS instrument on Pragyan confirmed the presence of sulphur on the moon's South Pole.
  • A groundbreaking in-situ measurement providing valuable insights.

6. The Intricacies of LIBS Technology

  • Explanation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and its role in lunar soil analysis.
  • Different wavelengths of light aiding in identifying various elements.

7. Oxygen Discovery and its Implications

  • Surprising revelation of oxygen in the moon's soil.
  • Potential applications for future lunar missions, including sustaining human life.

Technological Marvels on Board

8. APXS: Unveiling Lunar Surface Composition

  • Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) on Pragyan studying the general lunar surface.
  • Contrasting LIBS, APXS uses radioactive material for analysis.

9. The Role of Engineers and Data Science

  • Acknowledging the contribution of engineers in crafting precise instruments.
  • Highlighting the role of data science in managing and analyzing vast amounts of information.


In conclusion, Chandrayaan 3's mission to the Moon has not only marked a historic achievement for India but has also unveiled fascinating discoveries about the lunar surface. From temperature variations to the presence of oxygen and sulphur, these revelations pave the way for future lunar exploration and potential human habitation.


  1. What is the significance of Chandrayaan 3's landing on the Moon's South Pole?

    • Chandrayaan 3's landing on the South Pole provides unique insights into this unexplored region, offering valuable data for scientific research.
  2. How does LIBS technology work in analyzing lunar soil?

    • LIBS uses high-energy laser pulses to convert lunar soil into plasma, allowing the identification of different elements based on emitted wavelengths.
  3. What role does data science play in Chandrayaan 3's mission?

    • Data science is crucial for managing, studying, and analyzing the vast amount of information collected during Chandrayaan 3's mission.
  4. Why is the discovery of oxygen on the Moon significant?

    • The discovery of oxygen in the moon's soil opens possibilities for future lunar missions, including potential extraction for human use.
  5. What is the expected duration of Chandrayaan 3's mission?

    • Initially planned for one lunar day (14 Earth days), there is hope for reactivation, allowing further scientific exploration.

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